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The Weather Looked Perfect...Until It Didn't.

The weather looked perfect for Rachel and Will's big day. It was hot, it was sunny and it was sure to be a spectacular beautiful ceremony outdoors at the New York Botanical Garden...until a storm rolled in out of nowhere causing a quick change for the ceremony.

From a spacious outdoor site, the ceremony was now in a small room that was quickly converted to the ceremony site. It was pretty much standing room only and very difficult to film, but at the same time it was spectacular. It may have been tough to film, to jump out of our normal comfort zone but seeing all of Rachel and Will's guests so close and intimately connected with the ceremony was something special to witness. You could feel the love and happiness from all around beaming towards Rachel and Will. It was truly special.

The best part of all of this, Rachel and Will just rolled with the punches. It wasn't the ideal situation but it didn't really matter because in the end, they were getting married! And that's just them - two perfectly matched, loving people who are meant to be together!

After the ceremony, Rachel and Will and their guests partied the night away with some fantastic live music with some heartfelt toasts sprinkled in between (and a crazy fun hora!).

Three years ago I had the privilege of filming Rachel's brother's wedding, Matt to his wife Leah which was such an amazing day so I knew we were in for something special with Rachel and Will.

On top of all the wedding planning, Rachel graduated medical school only a few short weeks before the wedding. Thankfully, her mom Anne stepped in to help with as much planning as Rachel needed because undertaking wedding planning while finishing med school is a nearly impossible task - but Rachel did it, with the help of her mom and family and of course the help and support of her soul mate, Will.

I am so happy to share their highlight film which just touches the surface on how perfect these two are for each other and shows just a small fraction of the love they share with each other and their families. Enjoy!

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